Iron Fish is listed on KuCoin and Gateio. How will the Memo be used for payment?
HeroMiners Iron Fish mining pool has enabled mining to KuCoin and Gateio exchange for Iron Fish miners.
It will be enough to use the “+” separator after your wallet address and add the memo that Kucoin and Gateio gave you. This method is valid for all exchanges that will use Memo.
Example usages for Memo
With worker names
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe — disable-cpu — algorithm blake3_ironfish — pool — wallet YOUR_IRONFISH_WALLET_ADDRESS+MEMO.YOUR_WORKER_NAME
With static difficulty
With solo
rigel.exe -a ironfish -o stratum+tcp:// -u solo:YOUR_IRONFISH_WALLET_ADDRESS+MEMO -w YOUR_WORKER_NAME — log-file logs/miner.log
With solo and static difficulty
teamredminer.exe -a ironfish -o stratum+tcp:// -u solo:YOUR_IRONFISH_WALLET_ADDRESS+MEMO=STATICDIFF -p YOUR_WORKER_NAME
lolMiner.exe — algo ironfish — pool — user solo:YOUR_IRONFISH_WALLET_ADDRESS=STATICDIFF+MEMO.YOUR_WORKER_NAME
NOTE: Make sure worker name is the last parameter!
NOTE: This method can be dangerous if the exchange changes the wallet address or your memo or minimum deposit limit and you’re still mining. You use this method at your own risk and funds can be irrecoverable.
To view your mining statistics, you should use + and Memo at the end of your wallet address.