How to Mine XELIS (XEL)? Complete Beginner’s Guide

Hero Miners
3 min readMay 23, 2024


A new era of cryptocurrency is here.

XELIS is an innovative cryptocurrency built from scratch to preserve privacy and developed in Rust for guaranteed memory security.

XELIS is a private blockDAG with Homomorphic Encryption and Smart Contracts.

BlockDAG + Homomorphic Encryption + Smart Contracts — join the technological revolution.


Main Objectives:

  1. Provide privacy on transactions / balances.
  2. Enable Smart Contracts.
  3. Scalable blockchain for daily usage.
  4. Easy to integrate for developers.

Other Objectives:

  1. Issue custom assets identical to the native XEL.
  2. POW algorithm designed as CPU / GPU friendly.
  3. Decentralization.
  4. Simple to use.


  • Coin Name: XELIS (XEL)
  • Average Block Time: 15 seconds
  • Maximum Block Size: 1.25 MB
  • Block Reward: up to ~ 1.46 XEL
  • Maximum Supply: 18.4 million
  • Minimum Transaction Fees: 0.00001 XEL per kB
  • Atomic Units: 8
  • Block Dev Fee: 15%


Provide scalability by using a DAG structure instead of a linear blockchain. Up to several chains in parallel, each block can have multiple parents.

1.Reduce the rate of orphan’s blocks when miners find a block at the same time. Instead of choosing one block, both blocks are included in the DAG.

2.Height is not unique anymore and can have multiple blocks.

3.Topo Height (topological height) is the new and unique height for a block which is ordered by the DAG.

4.Stable height is the last height in which the order of the DAG cannot change.

5.Different types of blocks:

  • Sync: It is at a stable height and is the only block at its height (or the only ordered block at this height and doesn’t have a lower cumulative difficulty than previous blocks).
  • Side: Its height is less than or equal to the height of the past 8 topographical blocks. Its block rewards are reduced to 30%.
  • Orphaned: This block was not ordered in the DAG and has no topographical height (it’s transactions are not executed).

6. Up to 3 previous blocks (called TIPS)

  • Circulating Supply is re-calculated each time the block is reordered because it is based on DAG order.

Client Protocol

XELIS integrates, along with BlockDAG, a method to accept multiple occurrences of the same transaction (TX) and execute it only once. Instead of excluding the entire block due to a collision with another BlockDAG branch for a TX, we simply refrain from executing the TX and retain its hash.

The same TX can be contained in multiple blocks only if:

  • TX must not be executed at a stable height.
  • TX is not already included in the same chain branch (previous blocks).

During the generation of the DAG order (linking unique topoheight to a block hash), the first block being ordered will execute the TX first.

This feature allows the acceptance of other branch tips even if transactions are the same and prevent more orphans blocks when branches are merged.

Now that we know the details about XELIS, let’s get to mining some XEL!

XELIS (XEL) Mining Pool: Those who have no idea about mining can easily start mining by watching this video.

Step 1 — Create XELIS (XEL) Wallet Address

Before you Start Mining, you need a wallet address. There are various options for having an XEL wallet.

Exchange Wallet:

Step 2 — Download Mining Software

There are many miner applications where you can mining XELIS. Below we have explained in detail how to organize them.

Step 3 — Edit the bat File

SRBMiner-Multi v2.5.5+ (Windows, Linux, CPU, AMD, NVIDIA, INTEL)

Open start-mining-xelis.bat file and copy / paste example below.

@echo off
cd %~dp0
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm xelishash --pool --wallet YOUR_XELIS_WALLET_ADDRESS.YOUR_WORKER_NAME

Rigel v1.17.3+ (Windows, Linux, NVIDIA)

Open xel.bat file and copy / paste example below.

@echo off
@cd /d "%~dp0"
:: mine to herominers
rigel.exe -a xelishash -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_XELIS_WALLET_ADDRESS -w YOUR_WORKER_NAME

Happy Mining.

