How to Mine SWAP (XWP): Complete Beginner’s Guide

Welcome to Swap,
Swap is the first CryptoNote coin securing their network by implementing mining with the Cuckaroo Cycle PoW.
Community developed crypto-currency striving for fairness, transparency, security, and ease of use.
Simplest PoW algorithm.
“With a 42-line complete specification, Cuckatoo Cycle is less than half the size of either SHA256 or Blake2b. While trivially verifiable, finding a 42-cycle, on the other hand, is far from trivial, requiring considerable resources.”
— John Tromp
Most efficient way to find cycles.
Step one is removing edges that are not part of a cycle (99.9%). Step two is a backtracking graph traversal to find all cycles. Swap uses 32 edge trimming cycles.
Lean and mean mining.
Miners use 1 bit per edge and 1 bit per node. Finding node bits in random sequence causes a bottleneck which makes mining memory latency bound. The majority of this form of mining is done in a very simple way.
Decreased hash confirmation time.
Less server overhead making processing more efficient.
CryptoNote and Cuckaroo29s hybrid monster.
Swap is keeping CryptoNote for transactions with anonymity features and user friendliness. Meanwhile, for mining, adopting Cuckaroo29s with superior network protection and stability. CryptoNight mining is vulnerable to FPGA and ASIC network attacking.
Cuckaroo29s vs Cuckaroo29
Cuckaroo29s uses 32-cycles while Cuckaroo29 uses 42-cycles. Both cycling ratios produce similar performances.
Graph cycle performance.
Find an improvement in mining and recieve a bounty reward.
Progressive proof of work algorithm: Cuckaroo29s hashing improves verification speed substancially making block propagation much faster.
Private by default: CryptoNote protocol based privacy standards for transactions.
BulletProof technology: Decreases cryptographic proof sizes.
15 second block time: Faster confirmations and higher transaction throughput.
Reduced block sizes: Improved network performance and stability.
Reasonable transaction fee: Establishes a working economy discouraging the mining of empty blocks.
Limited supply and non-linear emission curve: Encouraging early adoption and early network security.
Feeless: Born without governance fees and staying without governance fees. Swap does use miner fees to incentivize network security.
No premine: Equal, fair, and open community release.
Supply & Emission
Total Supply: 18,400,000 coins before tail emission.
Coin Symbol: XWP
Hash Algorithm: cuckaroo29s (SWAP) (Proof-Of-Work)
Block Time: 15 seconds
Monero DAA — No Zawy BS that doesn’t work!
Now that we know the details about SWAP, let’s get to mining some XWP!
SWAP (XWP) Mining Pool:
lolMiner v1.23+ (Windows, Linux, AMD)
Create swap-herominers.bat file and copy / paste example below.
lolMiner.exe --algo CR29-32 --pool --user YOUR_SWAP_WALLET_ADDRESS --pass YOUR_WORKER_NAME
NBMiner v36.1+ (Windows, Linux, NVIDIA)
Create swap-herominers.bat file and copy / paste example below.
nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+ssl:// -u YOUR_SWAP_WALLET_ADDRESS.YOUR_WORKER_NAME
GMiner v2.47+ (Windows, Linux, AMD, NVIDIA)
Create swap-herominers.bat file and copy / paste example below.
miner.exe --algo swap --server --user YOUR_SWAP_WALLET_ADDRESS --pass YOUR_WORKER_NAME
SwapReferenceMiner v1.2.0+ (Windows, Linux, MAC — GPU Miner)
Requires .NET Core 2.2 installed!

Run SwapReferenceMinerCLI.exe and answer questions:
Enter your mining pool stratum address:
Enter your mining pool stratum port: 1123
Use TLS? (y/n) [Note that the pool: port must support TLS] n
Enter your pool login: YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS (can be ADDRESS+paymentID or ADDRESS.DIFF or ADDRESS+paymentID.DIFF)
Enter your pool password: YOUR_WORKER_NAME

After close this screen and reopen SwapReferenceMinerCLI.exe