How to Mine Pyrin (PYI)? Complete Beginner’s Guide

Hero Miners
2 min readDec 14, 2023


Next-Gen Decentralized
Transaction Network

A novel fair-launched GhostDAG implementation, designed to provide a decentralized, high-throughput, low-latency, secure transaction network with built-in smart contracts, secured by a resource-managing proof-of-work revolution: PAIW

Unlocking Efficiency and Scalability with the Ghost Directed Acyclic Graph Protocol

GhostDAG is a groundbreaking consensus protocol revolutionizing blockchain technology. It offers an efficient and scalable solution for decentralized networks. With a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure, GhostDAG eliminates mining and achieves near-instant confirmation times. This enhances security, scalability, and throughput, enabling real-world adoption of cryptocurrencies. GhostDAG empowers blockchain platforms to revolutionize transaction verification and provide a user-friendly digital economy experience.


PYRIN enables super fast transactions with multiple blocks generated per second, ensuring quick and efficient asset transfers. Its innovative consensus mechanism achieves near-instant transaction confirmation, making transactions visible within seconds and fully confirmed in 10 seconds or less.


PYRIN achieves maximum security and decentralization by combining pure proof-of-work with GhostDAG consensus.


PYRIN and GhostDAG maintain a high-speed network while preserving decentralization, ensuring optimal security and efficiency without any compromises.


PYRIN tackles scalability using blockDAG, enabling parallel block creation and confirmation. This ensures high transaction volume without compromising security or network performance.

Now that we know the details about Pyrin, let’s get to mining some PYI!

Pyrin (PYI) Mining Pool: Those who have no idea about mining can easily start mining by watching this video.

Step 1 — Create Pyrin (PYI) Wallet Address

Before you Start Mining, you need a wallet address. There are various options for having an PYI wallet.

Web Wallet:
Exchange Wallet: TradeOgre

Step 2 — Download Mining Software

There are many miner applications where you can mining Pyrin. Below we have explained in detail how to organize them.

Step 3 — Edit the bat File

lolMiner v1.81+ (Windows, Linux, AMD, NVIDIA)

Open mine_pyrin.bat file and copy / paste example below.


Rigel v1.11.0+ (Windows, Linux, NVIDIA)

Open pyi.bat file and copy / paste example below.

@echo off
@cd /d "%~dp0"
:: mine to herominers
rigel.exe -a pyrinhash -o stratum+tcp:// -u YOUR_PYRIN_WALLET_ADDRESS -w YOUR_WORKER_NAME --log-file logs/miner.log

Happy Mining.

